Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So as we Discuss web 2.0,news-6687.html

We really need to bear in mind other topics like security and our personal life on the web. This is a great article since I caught myself making one of these mistakes before fixing it. How often do we hear all the great advice from our classmates and online and not even act on it? will this be one more time?
I'd actually really like to see any data anyone has on how many times you have to tell someone a specific action to secure themselves online before they listen. I have a sneaking suspicion it's increased dramatically as we get bombarded with more security advice daily. Some things may almost be counter productive. for example, after being on my fourth password for GA State in 2 year, I make my passwords as weak as possible so I can remember the ever changing passwords amongst the myriad of other passwords I use. I have a few stronger passwords for things without enforced changes, Of course. I wish they didn't have to keep mentioning the whole thing about not listing when No one is home, but this happens almost as much as people download viruses from emails about Britney spears.
I hope everyone reading this takes a minute to fix their facebook and other social networking applications as needed, now I need to make a minor adjustment.