Friday, February 5, 2010

Mobile Technology

I thought I would share a review of the new Nexus one for any Android Fans. I'm still hoping for a future merging of the Net book and Smart phone forms in the future (I at least would be willing to exchange carrying something with say a 6.5 inch diagonal and a bit more weight in my pockets for more PC like web browsing and entertainment experience),review-1497.html
I think that's my ultimate hope as I see more things like the Windows XP phone made available. Anyway Google being a highly innovative company. I expect their open source software to move the software portion of the industry into being more open to such developments. I know everyone has heard of the Apple ipad, Imigine a form factor mor splitting the differenc eiwth the iphone, sort of at the limit of what can be kept in a man's pockets, and another around the (width and length but not depth) of a small womans purse, kept razor thin so it was almost all screen

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